Three actionable tips to increase your income using what you love doing

Imagine making money by teaching people what you love doing? Making money online by teaching people what you know is very easy. This article will show you the business blueprint to wealth creation through creating your own online course without stress.


I know that you may be wondering and saying: Tony, I am not a not good with social media and I do not understand this high-tech stuff. This method works even if you have no experience and have never created an online course before.

The steps to create an online course is very simple.

Firstly, you need to identify your hobbies. Your hobbies are things you enjoy doing. There is no challenge with having many hobbies. From the list of your hobbies, you must then narrow your focus to the one hobby that you can really turn into a skill. The skill you want to master should be the one you love. It should be something that you love doing. For example, the online course that you want to create should be something that you would be able to teach others even if you are not paid for it.


Secondly, now that you have identified a your skill set, you need to first find out which aspect of your skills has high market demand. It is important to identify your potential target clients first. Identify who your potential customers are. Also identify what are their needs, and the potential problem that you want to solve. The clearer you can see a problem to solve, the more value your product will offer to your potential customers


Thirdly, you need to then focus on one of your skills and become excellent in it. At this point, one needs to read books, attend seminars or get a coach to be excellent in a particular skill. Only then, can you package your wealth of knowledge and insight into a course and offer value to your customers.


Finally, you need to be self-motivated, provide value and expand your network, make new friends, let people hear about your course. However, one may ask the question: Why online courses? Why not offline courses?


Online courses are digital products that can be downloaded on your phone or laptop or any other device. They can be easily accessed by anyone at any time. Learning how to create an online course will save you a lot of stress and finances. You do not need to rent an office or buy any huge equipment. Digital products such as online courses can be packaged in form of eBooks, audios, or videos and can easily be downloaded from any part of the world without your physical involvement. These and many more benefits of creating your own online course abounds

 Would you like to live a life of freedom, have time for your children and family, spend vacations without worrying about monthly pay cheque? What if you can create a constant source of cashflow that pays you even when you are sleeping? One of my mentors, Sylvester Adonike, whom I admire his results of over 56M in online course sales alone, has compiled 3 actionable tips, which he called the Triple R strategy. You can read about this new system here.


 In conclusion, do not belittle yourself. There is a deposit of wisdom in you that world is looking for to solve a specific problem. Refine yourself and become that solution. Remove all excuses and create that online course of yours now.






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