About Me

I am medical doctor with passion  for information technology. II am happily married to my beloved wife, Blessing. My I have been teaching students, writing articles, organizing tutorials in the areas of public health . I am a lover of Jesus Christ,  After being frustrated in my masters program in Nigeria, I went ahead and bagged an MPH degree in the University of Bradford UK. You can look up my linkedin profile here and connect with me

My passion for digital marketing, specifically, affiliate marketing, started 5 years ago when I was looking for an extra source of income. I started investing in high yield investment programs (HYIPs), and some physical based multilevel marketing programs after which I was scammed.  I learnt the hard way. I lost huge sums of naira. 

Subsequently, I tried my hands on forex trading for about 2 years plus.  However, my profits were very little compared to my huge losses. Following the advice of an experienced digital marketer and senior colleague of mine, I decided to quit every thing that I was doing and learn the secret code of making money online. It took me a very long learning curve.  However over time, I improved my skills and started earning a decent living online. For me all I care about now is to make impact in the lives of many others who are struggling to make a living online. You do not need to make same mistakes I made. Just follow and learn. Go ahead and download my free affiliate marketing guide ebook and have a look at my online courses. Focus on building your skills and getting the right mentors. May God prosper the work of your hands.